What power cord with your ARC AR VS 115?

What after market power cords are you using with your AR ARC VS 115 amp? Due to the design, not all after market IEC 20A connectors work. If anyone out there has found a cord that makes a sonic difference and fits below the fuse connector, I would love to know. Thanks,
Of course I'd give him his money back if he doesn't like the cables. We have a nice return policy. But we are yet to have a cable returned. Both our interconnects and power cords are not just the best value, but the best cords I've used. And I've used everything under the sun. Though Interconnects no longer make a difference on my system.

Shuteye, we can fit any connector on the amp end you would like. We can certainly build one that would fit your amps. Let me know and I will speak with Ben about it for you if you would like.
I'm a bit dense, Rrog. Mintzar, I didn't realize you were plugging your own product. You really should make that clear when you make statements regarding how good Mojo Audio products are. A simple disclaimer would keep you on the up and up. That said, your product looks good, and in these ecomomic times, I can't blame you for wanting move all product you can. I mean this sincerely.
I apologize. Mojo Audio is not MY product. I am a friend of the designer and a customer. He allows me to distribute his cables, but I in no way do this for a living. I am merely "advertising" the cables from the standpoint of how much of a positive impact they made in my system and every system I have demoed them in. They are one of those products that I found randomly and was extremely skeptical about, but ended up buying enough for my whole system. And as it turned out most of the people who buy the cords do the same. I helped advance the design of the cables, but I am more of a happy customer than a salesman of the cables.

I apologize for the miscommunication.
Mintzar, thanks for the explanation. I can understand your enthusiasum. It's all good! I've bookmarked Mojo Audio's website, as the product looks good, and at good prices.
If you decide to get something let me know, I might be able to talk Ben into getting you a fairly good discount on the prices listed on the website. No promises though.