Bel Canto S300 driving Gallo 3.1s

Hi all,
My setup is:
Logitech Transporter
Bel Canto Pre-3
Bel Canto S300
Gallo 3.1s

I am running balanced high quality cables and 10ga speaker cables.

My question is, it seems like I have to turn the volume up quite high on my Pre-3 (all the way up on the Transporter) in order to get the Gallos to put out some sound, especially bass.
I am using FLAC files, so sound quality shouldn't be much of an issue. Is the S300 just too weak for the Gallos?
Marty, that is exactly my experience. I have the Transporter set at 100% volume and when the pre-amp comes up at 50, I can barely hear it. By the time the display hits 80, it counds pretty good, but not earth shattering at all. at 95 it sounds very good and has good power, but I believe I am 5dbz away from maxing it out, hence no headroom and possible disaster at any moment. Am I right to be worried about running at that level?
Everest, I really really like the Gallo's and want to hang on to them. I might change the room that they are in, or maybe the amp.

Who knew?
Bel Canto told me to leave 'em powered on (said there is virtually no wear or power drain) and never mentioned the fixed level option.




Sounds like the output from your Transporter set at full is still less than the BC wants to see.
Something doesn't sound right. Try a different amp and see what happens. The Gallos may or may not pressurize your room, but they should be very loud with the Bel Canto at near maximum volume.
Okay, with the front display reading 95 on a good FLAC (Breathe-Pink Floyd) it sounds very good and is loud...very loud. I am just thinking I shouldn't have to turn it up that far to get the overhead you see?
My 100W Marshall guitar amp only gets turned up about halfway before it is just too loud...LOADS of overhead.
I don't think the Gallos are really that hard to drive, are they?

My original point was that the volume (or decreasing attenuation) control on the BC amp seems to be a fair bit more "back ended" than other amps I've encountered. I end up with high 80s when listening at normal volume levels - but I don't hear anything that concerns me when I go up from there for those all important "head banging" sessions.

The actual position of the knob isn't necessarily indicative of where you sit relative to full output - it's a variation on the old "it goes to 11" joke from Spinal Tap. Give BC a shout if you're concerned (they're very nice folks), but I don't think it's much of an issue.
