Does electronics degrade and changes the quality/sound of the amp?Yes. Capacitors tend to be the most common culprits, aside from tubes in tubed equipment. Electrolytic capacitors in the power supply circuits could affect power capability, as well as sound quality. Smaller capacitors elsewhere in the circuitry, especially if they are directly in the signal path, could affect sound quality.
However, if the only indication of a problem is the max power measurements you were provided with, I would not take any action until the tech answers the questions that I and Eldartford stated.
If you and the tech do conclude that the electrolytic capacitors are probably causing a reduction in power capability, and you decide to have them replaced, it would probably make sense to have as many other capacitors as practicable replaced at the same time.
More generally, concerning the ability of older equipment to work well, the following threads will make for interesting reading. The upshot is that the performance of older equipment is very hit or miss, with little predictability, but in the better cases older equipment can continue to work well for MUCH longer than might be expected.
-- Al