McIntosh MA6300 or 6500?

I am considering both these integrated amps right now. Anyone know which sounds better? I know the 6300 is newer in the line, and wondering what improvements were made if any. Thanks!
I have owned and used both. If features, inputs and control are important to you the MA-6500 is my pick.

If you are going to buy new and lower cost is important the 6300 is a fine choice.

With my merlins and maggies I'm not sure there was a noticeable sonic difference. I do like the 6500 quite a bit.

Good shopping!
i would get one of the autoformer-based Mac integrateds, personally, if your budget can afford it. the 6600 is a great unit.
i have owned the 6500. i would save and get a used 6900. awesome. 6500 is a little low on power.