ARC versus Joule Electra

Hi Folks:

I greatly admire Jud Barber's work both in terms of preamp's and power amp's. His OTL creations are finest of that type of tube amp that I have ever listened too.

Has anyone ever done an A-B comparison between the ARC Reference 2 Mk2 or LS 25 MK2 (both 6H30 tubed) versus the best preamps by Mr. Barber?


I am not sure why the OP and Dob are comparing Ref 2 Mk2 (introduced in 2000) or LS25 Mk2 (introduced in 2000) with the best current Joule preamp. If you want to compare apples-to-apples, ARC's Ref 5 and even more appropriately ARC's latest 40th Anniversary Reference preamp will be the relevant comparison. The OP and Dob are comparing 10-yr old designs one of which was the mid-level ARC offering (the LS25 Mk2) with the latest SOTA Joule offering. I am sure ARC and Joule have very different sonic signatures and that's fine. But one should compare current designs at same price points to make relevant comparisons. Doesn't make sense to me. My 2c worth.
Hello Cmalak: Before start critic of the responses please read the question:

"Has anyone ever done an A-B comparison between the ARC Reference 2 Mk2 or LS 25 MK2 (both 6H30 tubed) versus the best preamps by Mr. Barber? "

I repeat: BEST PREAMPS by Mr. Barber


Cmalak, I hear what you are saying, but there is no reason to believe that 10-year old ARC, or 20 year old ARCs may not be as good or better as the current line-up, lot's of reasons for new models other than a constant upward progression, I never liked the move from 6922 to 6H30, for example. I think distinguishing ARC from Joule is pretty easily heard, Joule is more a meat on the bones sound, and most ARCs of recent vintage are leaner by comparison (not meaning better or worse, just different). Which you prefer may have as much to do with the amps and speakers you are using as anything else. may want to read my response.
"I am not sure why the OP and Dob are comparing Ref 2 Mk2 (introduced in 2000) or LS25 Mk2 (introduced in 2000) with the best current Joule preamp."

OP stands for Original Poster. So I am asking the question of both. And just because the OP asks the question does not mean you cannot answer his question and at the same time point out the difference between the units he asking feedback on.

Capish is actually spelt Capiche. Capiche?