BAT or Pass With My Sophia 2s?

A'goners - I'm considering a system reconfiguration with an upcoming move to a new residence. For those of you with experience with BAT and or Pass gear with Wilson speakers, please comment on your experience. While I'm very familiar with BAT gear, I am curious about the synergy of a Pass/Sophia2 combo. Also, please recommend the amp and pre in each line that you think would be the best match.

I think your Ayon Triton would be the best match. Have you gotten rid of it already? Wilsons really sound great with tubes. I think your move to BAT or Pass would be lateral at best.

I really enjoyed the BAT 75SE on them for a long time. I've owned a Pass amp (X250.5), but not when I had my Sophia1s. I think it would work fine, but I would prefer BAT sound with Wilson---a shade dark really works well with Wilson imo.

I am using the X350 with WP8 (in secondary system) and am quite happy with it. Infact, the Pass does make for a mellow combination - while retaining the bass performance. Only experience with BAT was a pre-amp about 3-4 years ago (VK30?) and I was very UNHAPPY with the tubby sound - kind of flabby and lifeless. Since then, I have never looked at a BAT piece but my experience may have been an extreme outlier.
Keith - the Ayon is a keeper, and I was planning on using it in an upstairs listening room. The reason for considering solid state is that the equipment behind the Sophias will be going in a closet, and I'm concerned about the heat from a tube based amp. I know the big BAT amp (VK600-SE) runs hot, but not nearly as hot as my Triton.

Thanks for the comments so far - anyone else?