Amp for Coincident Super Eclipse

I recently bought a pair of these speakers used, and in the process of a move, my amp has disappeared..

So I'm looking for a replacement - I'm using a Joule Electra preamp, and am considering a Moscode 401HR, 300B monos, or even a Threshold T-400 (overkill perhaps but I like the idea of power in reserve).

Any experience or thoughts on the best pairing(s)?
Neither Jax2 nor AtmaSphere (Ralph) commented that AtmaSphere and Coincident have displayed at shows together in the past with nice review. Also Sue Kraft of Absolute Sound had reviewed AtmaSphere OTL's and Coincident loud speakers together and had them paired in her own reference system with excellent result.

There is a a list of speaker links (about 20) on Ralph's site (scroll down). I did not embellish further on the pairing, since my comment was purely speculative. Just to be clear; I have not heard Atmasphere+Coincident together, at a show or otherwise, but would bet they'd be great together based on those speakers I have heard Ralph's amps with.
Jax2, Please except my apologies, I meant nothing by including you and
Atmasphere in my comment to support Westborn's query, and do realize much
has been said about the combination of these two fine pieces of equipment, with
good reason. Good suggestion to see the comments on the Atma-Sphere
website. I felt that maybe with Ralph being a proprietor, he may want to assume
a more humble demeanor and stick to the facts at hand and be helpful, as he
always does. Where I, being a very happy owner and with years of first hand
experience, free of any possible appearance of conflict in interest could
unabashedly recommend his beautifully musical Atma-Sphere amps for this
application with Coincident S.E's. That's all.

Happy (OTL...maybe) Listening!
Rf - really no apologies necessary at all. I took no offense. As I'm sure you know, Ralph is one of the good guys (I think he's the one on the stool), and I agree; he is more than generous in sharing his thoughts (and time) in these forums. I have never read anything from him here that I'd remotely consider anything but helpful and appropriate for a manufacturer. I would just assume if he had something useful to say that I'd leave it to him to decide whether or not to say it. Cool beans that you been enjoying his talents for years - from what I've heard of them at shows I can certainly understand why!
I just tried pairing up the victory model with coda csx amp I just purchased to use with usher cp-6311. Last night as my girlfriend went to a party and I had lots of free time so I just put the victory to see what would happen. Holy molyyy, I had never thought the coincident would pair well with solid state as I tried some with it before, I usually drive it with the type amp such as bat vk60. With the coda, the victory was extreamly (and scaryyy) detailed, extreamly transparent and the bass which was a little lean before with other amps I tried, just came out with deep tight and detailed. Wowwww. That is you may wanna give the coda a try, it may sound strange to use auch efiicient speakers with high power solid state but it is very good I don't know why.
Wowwww. That is you may wanna give the coda a try, it may sound strange to use auch efiicient speakers with high power solid state but it is very good I don't know why.

Yours is very similar to my experience. The two areas that really come to shine with my SEIII's with my KWA150's (SS amps) were bass (in spades), which seemed to be reaching lower, tighter and with more tonal texture apparent, and resolution, where I was hearing more subtle details that with various tube options I had missed. In the case of my amps this did NOT come at the expense of fatigue or any other major compromise (which was really surprising as my expectations would have been otherwise). I would say that soundstaging was superior with my SET amps, though that quality really did not suffer severely in the hands of the KWA's, but the SETs were a clear winner in that department (not surprising as this is what they're known for). Again, I think Israel's speakers are quite versatile in this way.