Adcom GFP 750 preamp problem


I turned-off my system one night, and turned it on again the next night, but got no sound. I tried everything, but nothing until I flipped the switch from active to passive. It will work on passive only, and now there is a smell coming from the unit.

Any ideas? Thanks.
Sounds like a great excuse to ditch it and buy something that sounds better. Get yourself a modestly priced tube pre and start living.
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Take a pill Liz...I am only sayiing that he could get better sound elsewhere, and of course it doesn't have to be tubes. I have both. Sheesh...
Roxy54, the 750 is a surprisingly good sounding preamp. Have you spent any time listening to it?
No, not at all. I was basing my totally uninformed opinion of it on my experience with one of their larger amps from the late eighties, a GFA-555 I think it was. It sounded like all of the bad things that people accuse bad solid state of sounding like. Friends of mine agreed.