To Preamp Or Not To Preamp,That Is The Question

I'm curious this fine Sunday...

In theory, is it better to have a preamp between a CDP (or?) and the amp, or not ? Don't we try to eliminate as many circuits in the path as possible ? Why not eliminate the whole preamp right ?

I have an (2 really) Adcom GCD575, and, I can hook this directly to an amp, and use the Vol control (and Variable output) without a preamp at all...

It sounds really good to me. But, it may be the amp...
I haven't tested with multiple pre's between the same CDP and/or AMP.
Hey Mikey!

If it sounds good to you, don't mess with it!

I've used CD direct over the last 10 years with most of my system incarnations. For me, it is a good value decision. I don't spend funds on a pre-amp that is not necessary, I save the audio rack real estate required for the unnecessary component and I like the transparency of the CD direct sound.

However, I have also used a pre-amp and I can understand why many audio enthusiast would prefer to have one. It adds multi-input capabilities, adds gain (if needed) and typically gives the system more dynamic capabilities. For classical music or hard driving rock, I think a pre-amp may be more beneficial. For acoustic, jazz , singer/songwriter or other more intimate types of music, I feel it's very easy to live without a pre-amp (if one doesn't need multi input capabilities).

For me, it comes down to a value decision. I typically don't want to pay for a high quality pre-amp when I'm happy with the sound I get without one.


I can agree with all that...I was told though, that a preamp makes the signal 'better'...not sure how it can do that.

The next big question would be, why don't high end CDP mfgs make CDPs with vol controls like the 575 ? I have heard some of the $$$$ ones do, but I'm talking Cambridge Audio, Rotel class CDPs...
Post removed 

Many fine CD players from Theta, Wadia, Resolution Audio, Cary, Quad, etc., have variable volume control. I've owned CD players from Quad, Theta and Musical fidelity which had variable volume control. I've also owned DACs from Monarchy and Birdland which had variable volume control.

Currently I have an EVS Level-2 modified Oppo 970 that has variable volume control. Unlike the other players I've owned, this one uses digital volume control, which does lose resolution as you lower the volume. It's not optimal, but it still sounds great and I still enjoy the benefits of CE direct, plus I get DVD, DVD-A, SACD, etc. with the Oppo.....
