Cary SLP05 vs. Audio Research LS-26

Has anyone made the comparision between these two. I realize the Cary is 2K more than the LS26's price point. I do own an LS26, and like it but now I am thinking of something new. I don't have a dealer in my area that stocks any Cary gear to speak of. So I am not even familiar with the Cary house sound. Any shared experience with both brands would be helpfull.
I think the Cary has a warmer house sound than the ARC. I own a Cary SLP98p, but my next moves are either the SLP 05 or the ARC Ref 3. I love the ARC sound as well, plus how cool does that gear look!
The SLP 05 is quite a good preamp - it would be considered the ugly stepsister in few system - it's at least a notch above the LS-26. The fair comparison would be with the Ref 3. The SLP 05 has a very open, transparent, "triode-y" sound - it's built around the 6SN7, which is a great tube.
So in comparison to the REF3(on the want list) what could expect in terms of detail, soundstage, and your opinion of is it over analytical/sterile? Or would you say warm with detail?