Pass XA30.5, X100.5, or Rowland 501 For Revel Gem

i would love to hear thoughts on which amp would be best with Revel Gem speakers - Pass XA30.5, Pass X100.5, or Jeff Rowland 501.

i know these are very different amps - class A, class A/B, class D - and would love to hear from folks that have tried them with Gems.

i'm looking for nice forward mids (especially vocals), fast, dynamic, lively sound - especially at lower volumes.

any inputs would be greatly appreciated!

If you aren't happy with your Spectron, why consider the Roland?

Look to the Pass XA30.5 or XA60.5. Of course, you need to be concerned about burnt little fingers and hands if you do.

hey chuck, the sale of the spectron was a bit of a snap decision - one i may very well come to regret!
Although the Pass amps run warm, they don't get hot enough to burn children or pets in any kind of realistic scenario.

I recently upgraded from Rowland Concerto to Pass XP20/XA160.5 as a result of auditioning the XA30.5 driven by the Concerto as a preamp vs. the Concerto as an integrated, driving Aerial 20T's and sourced by an Esoteric X-01 Ltd.

My impressions relate to both the XA30.5 and XA160.5. The overall sound balance was similar, with the Pass being more coherent and a touch warmer. The Rowland sounded at least as lively/dynamic as the Pass, but the Pass sounds more believable to me.

I saw from another thread that you generally listen at rather quiet levels. In spite of the fairly low efficiency of the GEM's, the XA30.5 would have no problems driving them to much higher levels than you're used to. On the other hand, one of the strengths of these speakers is their ability to play very wide dynamic contrasts without compression. If you get addicted to that, you might change your listening habits and find the extra oomph of the Rowland's are a big plus.