2 years ago i got the colleseum monos, paired with the mirage preamp. as both ron and larry alluded so elloquently,the mirage preamp is in a diferent level of performance and should be mated with the colleseum amps, either the stereo or the monos.
at the time this combination was driving the venerable rockport hyperions, with exccelent results.
the colleseums' sound is sweetand smooth with refined power and coherency across the frequency, and with seductive mids to boot....
last year i replaced the hyperions with the tidal sunrays and added a colleseum stereo amp to run them in a bi- amp mode with an actie x/over. the stereo version retains all this maginificant sound of the monos albeit with a bit less of resolution and power (and i do mean a tid bit less!),as to be expected.
every so often we all come across a product that is just right, in every aspect- sonically and visually- imho, and expereince, these latest offerings from gryphon, are such products!