Best Amp for Magnepan 1.7?

What would be the best amp out of the following four brands to power the new 1.7s? Also, would a monoblock setup be worth the extra money? I like McIntosh; however, I'm not sure if the detail and speed will be up to what the 1.7 would want.

Mark Levinson

Thanks guys
I have heard the following combos as far as Maggies are concerned. Not heard the 1.7 though:

- 2.7R with Perreaux 3150B (Fantastic sound, the best combo perhaps)

- 1.6R with VTL mono blocks (tube)

- 1.6R Quad 405/606 (excellent sound per pound - great sonics)
Dear: guys,

I have heard the 1.7 through fm acoustics pre and esoteric pwr amp, it was the demo set up at the absolute sound Singapore, they really least to my ears, details, ambience and naturalism or should I say realism were all at present. Happy trying..
Wyred 4 Sound ST-500, Wyred 4 Sound ST-1000 the best amp ever, the world's best amp for Magnepan? Please let me laugh..

I just need few seconds in a A/B comparison to know that I had to resell my Wyred for sound and keep my old vintage integrated amp Akaï UO1 (40$ on Ebay)!

If the Wyred 4 sound seems to be a little more powerfull than my 2x25 W Akaï, it is also drier, unmusical, flat. In one word, totally uninteresting..

Winsome Labs mouse is also more intersting than a Wyred for sound! (200 $ - 15 x 10 cm!)

If you buy Wyred for sound for sono purposes, don't forget that sono amp are way better..

If this can help you to save money..
your 2 x 25 Akai with the MG 1,7 it's somehow like a mosquito trying to copulate with an elephant ;-)