Replacement caps for Audio Note M1

My Audio Note M1 uses a pair of Audio Note paper in oil caps, alu foil, silver leads. Kinda expensive to replace.

What is a suitable reasonably-priced replacement? I'm thinking Sprague Vitamin Q. Or Wima red bricks.

What say you guys?
Coupling caps exert a MAJOR influence on the presentation of an amplifier. The equation is simple; cheap caps=lost music. Nature(as in a musical signal) abhors a capacitor, and ESPECIALLY a cheap one. Use those that you have mentioned and you will lose much of what your amp was designed to deliver, in the way of natural warmth, imaging, ambience retrieval, sound staging, high end extention and detail(without glare), etc. auriCAPS are a reasonably priced capacitor, and will retain much of what your amp was designed to provide, in the way of music reproduction(If you really feel you HAVE to go the cheap route). Click on, "AURICAP", at the bottom of this page:( Follow these guidelines, if you do purchase auriCAPS: ( Actually, most of the better caps out there provide a reference, as to which lead is connected the the outer foil. Multicaps and DynamiCaps are also excellent for the money, BTW.
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Thanks for the feedback.
@Rodman99999, I am seriously considering your suggestions.