Suggest upgrade from c2300 phono stage

I am currently using a McIntosh c2300 with phono stage. I am using a VPI Aries 3 with flywheel motor/ring clamp/center weight and 10.5i arm. The current cart is a Lyra Argo i.
I am in the process of choosing among 3 new cart upgrades...Lyra Titan, Dynavector XV-1s, and ortofon A90.
I am looking for a tubed phono stage to mate with one of the above 3 carts. I want a crazy low noise floor and a tighter lower end and not a "fat tube" sound.
Where do I go from the Mac? I will do +/- $12k on phono stage.
Any suggestions on above carts and mating pre amps are welcomed.
Will use c2300 as pre with mc501s running JM Lab Alto Utopias.


New Orleans...proud to call it home
Cajun, I am using a Grado Statement the Reference 1 (low output), with the modded PS Audio GCPH into a Cary slp98p F-1, cary amps and Maggie 3.6r's, VPI Classic turntable.

I am also thinking new cartridge right now, maybe the A-90, or soundsmith The Voice hav ebeen regular suggestions.
Macdadtexas, who did the mods on your phono pre that you are currently using?