Quicksilver V4 or Silver 88 advice needed.....

I've compared an older first generation Quicksilver V4 (green LED power switch) and a Quicksilver Silver 70 (blue Led) and am looking to get the best of both worlds....

1. Love the drive and bottom end on the older V4...the drive is simply amazing with my Vandersteen 2ce Sig II speakers.

2. Love the midrange on the Silver 70. It's liquid 3-D.

What combines these two?

....the newer Quicksilver V4 (blue led with newer transformer) or the Silver 88?

Any advice appreciated from the experts out there! Thank you in advance.

IMO I think the GL KT88s sound really good in the Silver 70s and V4. I have compared to EH and Chinese labeled KT88 tubes and I chose the GL KT88s. Just my two cents.

Well, it is worth trying at least, and if Roger tests them you can have faith they have been very well matched. I used them and thought they sounded really good (not in a QS amp though) and the EL84s are excellent in the Music Reference RM10 and recommended by both Roger and Jim McShane (bought a quad from both). But I guess we are getting a bit off track. I had not heard of the Silver 88s and they seem like a very interesting pair of amps, I definitely like the idea of two tubes per channel...
Copied above quote from our late friend Paul...RIP my friend, you are missed in this community. I enjoyed our phone conversation, and regret not having met you in person. -Don
"Not having heard the Silver 88, but just read the description on his site, it would seem that if the 88s do have the lowest about (insert: OUTPUT) impedance (highest damping)that the 88s should give you controlled bass (for a tube amp)with a lot of purity that comes from the simpler output stage. There is something to fewer tubes making for better sound IF you can get enough power, and I think 80 watts of tube power is plenty of power for your application, I doubt you could hear any meaningful difference between 80 and 120 watts."
The current Quicksilvers have as high of a damping factor, but do not list output impedance specs. I am thinking of the Mono 120's, Sixty Watt mono's, or (now discontinued)  Silver 88's to drive Harbeth C7's. Any thoughts on this. Please help so I don't go the dark side (Solid State)...hahah(-: Cheers-Don