ARC Tube preamp suggestions

Hi guys,

I have an ARC VT-100 amp that I need to find a preamp for. Alas my budget does not allow for a new Ref5 or LS26/27, so I need to go to the 2nd hand market.

I like the lush, warm tube sound with all the pros and cons. I have a pair of Wilson Cubs with a 12" sub attached.

I am looking at the LS2, LS5, LS8 or maybe LS16 preamps.
Please let me hear your suggestions - there maybe some preamps I have overseen.

My music is contemporary, jazz, blues and rock.

I like the lush, warm tube sound with all the pros and cons. I have a pair of Wilson Cubs with a 12" sub attached.

I certainly would not recommend the LS16 if that's the wish. I have not heard the others, so can't comment on them.
You should maybe go back further to the Sp11 mk2 ...That might fit your sonic wishes .......
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