Trade- off, power SS vs tube magic.

As everyone knows, tubes are expensive. Can a higher power SS substitute for this "subjective" magic. One reviewer said he made the transition and did not miss the tubes. What do you say? Let's try to keep the speaker variable out of this.
The question with tubes is: "how would you like your signals to be distorted?" (I think most people refer to this distortion as "warmth") To that extent, if your interest is in tubes, then the only answer is that you have to listen to each amplifier in question and pick the one that colors the signal in the manner that is most pleasing to your ears.

"it's called tubelike if it's SS and vice versa."

I don't think I have ever heard someone say this tube amplifier is the most solid state sounding yet.
>>Ridiculous . . . Do some homework on the subject. <<
>>Speaking only for myself, I am not like you and the other morons you speak of. <<
>>However, you fit well into that grouping based on this and other threads. <<
>>That being said, I know the subject matter. <<
>>It would behoove you to have a modicum of it before blasting others.<<

Audiofeil, this was a completely civil conversation before you joined in.

Who exactly provoked you? Take your time.
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