I heard an improvement in overall air with no degradation in the bass at all. I removed the top covers in both my Ref 3 and the new PH-8. By the way ... the PH-8 now has 220 hours and is killer! According to my trusted source, the PH-8 will continue breaking in for 600-1000 hours. Zowie!
Scousepasty ...
Thanks, I'm going to call ARC to ask about the cost of the clear covers.
I heard an improvement in overall air with no degradation in the bass at all. I removed the top covers in both my Ref 3 and the new PH-8. By the way ... the PH-8 now has 220 hours and is killer! According to my trusted source, the PH-8 will continue breaking in for 600-1000 hours. Zowie!
Scousepasty ...
Thanks, I'm going to call ARC to ask about the cost of the clear covers.