Summertime ss amp Question

My wife has finally decided that the superb Atma-Sphere MA-2 is too hot for summer and she cant listen to it without getting an ice bath in the room. But one doesnt part with a Gem of this magnitude, so I will buy an SS amp for summer only.
Need at least 150 WPC into 4 ohms (SP Tech Revs III sens 88 db), XLR inputs,(preamp Atma-sphere MP-1) fit into 17 X 8 X 19 inch space in Stereo closet and run cool, budget under $2K used. Looking at Innersound esl-300, Cary CAD-200 currently on A'gon. Suggestions, please. Thanks.
>>any amps got your visa card moving yet?<<

No, seems the only 2 options on A'gon right now that fulfill my criteria are the Cary CAD 200 and Innersound 300. Have I missed any?
Don't get a ss amp, it will spoil your ears. Other then a new wife, try the laptop cooling approach. Laptop coolers are very inexpensive, some less then $5. All will run on a wall wart and hub, so you do not need to actually have a laptop. Most laptop coolers are very quite. The trick is to use more then one, each with dual fans. I have three running on my cayin 100 tube unit. They run all the time, and can't be heard.
I am a tube lover and live in the desert southwest, I feel your pain. (58 tubes/class A...... well maybe not that much pain).

A 5 blade ceiling fan would make you/wife feel 7-8 degrees cooler. Don't know if that is enough for you.

A McIntosh amp from the 80's/90's with autoformers might be an okay change for the few months.

Two amps I use, but are less power than you are looking for, are a Bedini 45/45 ss amp and a Red Wine Audio 30.2 battery powered chip amp. They both have a sound I like and run cool or even cold in the RWA case.

On the power you are looking for (150/4 ohm): I used to think I needed gobs of it with my Apogees and Maggies until I heard a 50 watt pure class A Accuphase driving them. Sounded better than my 500 wpc ss amp. There are lots of reasons why some lower powered amps would work but if you really like to crank it, maybe you do need the watts.