Summertime ss amp Question

My wife has finally decided that the superb Atma-Sphere MA-2 is too hot for summer and she cant listen to it without getting an ice bath in the room. But one doesnt part with a Gem of this magnitude, so I will buy an SS amp for summer only.
Need at least 150 WPC into 4 ohms (SP Tech Revs III sens 88 db), XLR inputs,(preamp Atma-sphere MP-1) fit into 17 X 8 X 19 inch space in Stereo closet and run cool, budget under $2K used. Looking at Innersound esl-300, Cary CAD-200 currently on A'gon. Suggestions, please. Thanks.
Thank you all for your input. I have bought a used Bel Canto Evo2 Gen II for $1K. Fits in space, runs cool, balanced, and, although I have never heard it, is Stereophile Class A. 240 WPC into 4 ohms. I dont expect to replicate the sound of the MA-2, but for part-time listening, hope it is acceptable.
Dennis the Menace! A Tripath digital amp like this is going to sound very different than a zero-feedback triode amplifier. I hope it is to your liking.
I read that the Bel Canto sounds just like a class A SS, OTL, SET, and triode amps. You really can't go wrong.