Hello Rossq,
I was in the tube way before the Solid State came along and my soft side is always the with the beautiful sound of the tube. I am glad to hear you have discovered the same. The upmost important thing in this hobby is the way YOU liked it. Not someone who's trying to tell you what's his preference. Each one of us heard the music differently. That's why there are so many brands and companies to choose from. I don't know anything about your amp. I put my amps together from the kit and after few nights slinging the soldering gun, I am really enjoying it (Bottlehead's Paramours) and after a few years, am still loving it.
Yes, tube brands make different sound. You could tell the difference from one to the other when you rolling the tube. Stick with what sound the best to YOU. My other advise is to pay attention to the front end (CD, Turntable, etc.). If garbage in, it will be garbage out and your first watt is the most important to you system. Do not spend your 401K chasing the rainbow. Just listen and if you liked and that's is.
Enjoy the music!