New To Tubes Advice Needed

Hi Guys:
Like my question says I'm very new to the world of tubes. I have recently purchased a Xindak MT3 tube Integrated and I'm very pleased with the warm sound it produces in comparison to all the SS amplifiers that I have used over the years. I based my decision to purchase the Xindak based on the sound I heard and not the fact that the unit is made in China. This being my first entry to the world of tube gear cost was somewhat of a concern just in case I did not like the sound in the long run. The unit runs on 4-EL34, 2-68NP (6SN7GT)and one 12AX7 stock tubes original to the unit. I have read that tube rolling could yield some good improvements, since I know nothing on the subject I was wondering if I could impose on some knowledgeable members to guide in so far as to what should be changed and what with. I'm aware that there is so many different tubes on the market and that buying one over the other is a matter of taste but in my case I'm totally in the dark so any guidance is valued.By the way I would like to keep the cost factor in to play so no suggestions for very expensive tubes. Also I have read that EL34 could be substituted with KT77 what is the difference.
Thanks in advance for all of your input.
The 12ax7 you have is a Shuguang very common Chinese tube. Now finding what kind of tube you want is the journey you must take. Read in the forum's here and audio asylum to get an idea of what you may want to try. Remember what you like is what you like! Here is the link to audio asylum

Yes if you change the 6sn7 you need to change both. If one of the EL34 goes out. If it's not very old you could get away with just changing a matched pair. I wouldn't change only one. Other people may disagree? But EL34's are not too expensive you may want to try a match quad of a new brand. Again the EL34's are probably Shuguang.

Remember to enjoy the music. Some of us including myself have too many tubes and tend to roll them too much.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I think you are right when you say what you like is what you like we all hear differently and the only way to find what I might like is to try a few different tubes until I find the ones that are right for me. I will try and do more research and educate myself a little by reading in different forums.
The link below is to Brent Jesse's site - tube vendor - I am not affiliated other than as a customer. You will find assessments of various 62n7s and 12ax7 when you click on each. Also, if you call him he is an easy fellow to speak to and gives honest opinions and recommendations
When you get to the website that was mentioned above , go to a part of it called Joe's Tube Lore . There you can find a rather exhuastive comparing of the small/input tubes . It was done using a different preamp than yours but the difference described between the tubes can be helpful . It's a nice starting place .

For me , the small/input tubes made the biggest difference and are usually much cheaper than the large/power tubes . They also can be changed with less hassle as they do not require that you reset the bias like the large/power tubes .

Good luck.
A big thanks to all of you that have tried to help. I was put in touch with the Tube Store and at their recommendation for my specific Xindak MT3 Integrated I ended up buying a matched pair of EH 6SN7, One Preferred AO Series 7025 12AX7, and 4 matched Winged C (SED) EL 34 for $212 total. I should have them by next week and then the tube journey begins, and I must confess I hope to see some improvement even if ever so slightly. Boy owning Tube gear is much more fun the Solid State