I need a lower gain 12au7 for Mastersound

I recently purchased a Mastersound Due Venti. It has 2 JJ ecc82 gold pins in the preamp. I find them to be a little high gain for my tastes. They do sound quite nice though don't get me wrong.

Could anyone recommend a 12au7 or variant that naturally has less gain than the JJ but still retains quite a lot of detail and low noise? New or NOS, doesn't matter to me.

Any responses or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Or if anyone has a Due Venti maybe they could let me know what preamp tubes they prefer?

I'm running it with a pair of La Scala's, they're just a little too efficient maybe...

Thanks for your time!!
I'm new here..... So, sorry for the all the confusion. Some of the tech talk I don't quite get.
If you replace the JJ's the noise may disappear, I bought some JJ 6922's they were all nosey. Go to Upscale Audio site to view a good verity of ECC82/12AU7's. The Radiotechnique Platinum Grade would be a safe bet at a "reasonable" $40 ea.
If you replace the JJ's the noise may disappear, I bought some JJ 6922's they were all nosey. Go to Upscale Audio site to view a good verity of ECC82/12AU7's. The Radiotechnique Platinum Grade would be a safe bet at a "reasonable" $40 ea.
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