Audio Research Preamp with Cary Amp?

I'm putting together a system from scratch with almost no way of auditioning everything together beforehand due to limited dealers in my area. So far I have a set of Cary 805C amps, which I plan to use with ProAc D38's.

Looking for a preamp to go with these, I've sorta narrowed my search down to the Cary SLP 98 or the Audio Research LS17. Based on reviews, I'm leaning towards the LS17 because I like the idea of matching the warm quality of the 805C's with a slightly more neutral preamp. I believe the SLP 98 has a more "tubey" presentation with slightly rolled off frequency extremes. The LS17 seems like a decent compromise, and there are plenty used ones available.

Has anybody heard the Cary 805's with the LS17 or other similar AR preamp. Is it heresy to use Cary and Audio Research together?
Ag insider logo xs@2xmchu168
Is the F1 only available from Upscale Audio and what's the ballpark cost for swapping out the tubes that make a difference? Afraid of opening up a can of worms.
I would do the Cary for system matching and for the reasons Brf mentions ...

The pairing you suggest may well work, but the sonic traits of each don't seem like an ideal combination. I would also choose the SLP98 over the LS17.
The F1 is Upscale's proprietary branding, but you can order the same pre-amp modification through any Cary dealer or send you existing pre-amp back to Cary for an update. 6SN7 tubes are not that expensive with a nice pair going for around $65/pr up to the best available at $250/pr.
Ok then, it's unanimous. I think I'll go for the Cary pre.

Since we're on the subject, what would you guys recommend for 6SN7's? Based on what I've read are shortcomings of the 98, I would be looking for more extended highs and tighter, more extended bass. Is there a tube out there that can do this?
