Wyred 4 Sound.....Anyone?????

Has anyone experienced Wyred 4 sounds stereo, multichannel or pre amp models. How do they compare to say, Parasound, Bryston, Nad, Boulder, Krell, Anthem, Cary Audio.etc??? Are they more geared to home theater or stereo or both??? Comments greatly appreciated..

Regards Bacardi
I replaced my Parasound preamp and amps, with W4S gear. The DAC, Integrated and Multi-channel amp are fabulous. The MC7 pulls a little current at startup, so I decided to just leave it on full time. W4S equipment runs cool unlike my Parasound gear. Both are good products, but W4S is a big step up IMO. Only real beef I have is the DAC-2 remote conflicts with the integrated amp remote functions, so the DAC remote functions must be deactivated. I think W4S would be wise to use a different code signal to allow remote use for both devices. Minor issue, but an issue nonetheless. Do give them some time to break in. A couple hundred hours and the W4S gear really starts to shine. W4S customer service is helpful and available to discuss issues with. Very happy with my purchase thusfar.
Hi Bacardi - I had a P3 preamp, TWO A23s each running a set of stereo speakers, and an HCA-1205A which ran one set of stereo speakers, a center, and a set of surrounds. I still have a C2 controller which I run the multi-channel stuff through. An A/B switch allows 5.1 or 7.1 selectable. 5.1 has three sets of stereo speakers, 7.1 has two sets.
I'm new at this, so if this post constitutes hijacking the thread, please say so and I'll quit.

That said, can anyone describe the sonics of the W4S ST-250/SX-250 with the other W4S amps? The 250's use the B&O ASC amp module.

The 500 and 1000's use the higher-powered ASP module. EJ Sarmento's posts on an early thread in AVS Forum indicate that the sonics for the ASC are different from/better than the ASP on mids and highs, but I don't have a sense of what that actually sounds like.

the full-size MC series amps use the ASP module. I spoke with Clint at W4S yesterday and asked whether the multi-channel MC circuit boards were the same as the SX or ST 500/1000 unit boards. He checked with EJ, who told him that the front-end on the MC boards doesn't have the same tweaks as the monoblock or stereo units because of spce considerations. Has anyone heard the full-size MC amps? Can you compare the sound to the mono or stereo units?

The Mini MC uses a different ICE module, the ASX, which rolls off at a higher frequency than the other modules. Any experience listening to the Mini MC, and comparisons to the other W4S amps?
