250 watts: why so much power?

I have seen some really high powered SS amps on the market and I am wondering why so much power? These amps must get really loud. It sounds that they could easily blow an ear drum or two.
Matchstikman--to answer your questions to me: (1) there are simple formulations as to efficiency. If I remember correctly, and I'm a listener, not an engineer, speaker efficiency is measured in decibels of output per watt of power input. Speakers rated under 90 db. are considered more or less inefficient, over 90 more or less efficient. But it's more complex than that: my speakers were just upgraded, and while their output rating only increased by 2 db., the manufacturer's power recommendation went from 200 watts per channel minimum to no upper limit to 30 watts minimum, 300 maximum. Inefficient speakers driven with inadequate amps tend to sound opaque and closed in. The inevitable tendency is to turn up the volume at the preamp, which only makes the problem worse, because the power amp is now working even further outside its comfort zone. My own experience is when I have added a more powerful amp or switched to more efficient speakers, I wind up listening at a lower volume because more detail reaches me, both on quiet passages and loud ones. (2) I listen at a volume I can get away with in a New York apartment, which isn't all that loud. (In fact, I use a 4-channel system, because the rear speakers increase the sense that the sound is filling the room without my having to blast the overall level.) (3) 22 X 13.5 X 9.
Paraphasing the better explanation:
the ability to play music at a moderately loud level without the distortion and compression you would hear when using a lower powered amp that is "clipping". Its about your amp being able to handle the demanding peaks and keep control during complex passages
Ideally the available dynamic headroom should be in the neighborhood of 20dB, a power multiplication factor of 100 times. So if you're running at only 2 watts per ch. average power, then you need a 200 w/ch amp to have 20dB of headroom & stay out of clipping. You don't use all of that amplifier power continuously, but you do need the large power reserves.
Excellent point Bob. I remember watching a fast responding wattmeter show me peaking well in excess of 900 watts on more than a few occasions. The funny thing is, i don't think that anybody here would have called the sound being produced as being "loud". The speakers were simply BIG-TIME power suckers.

Having said the above, if you have your choice between two "good" sounding speakers that perform relatively evenly, always go for the one that is more efficient. Higher efficiency, non-reactive loads of reasonable impedance make amplifier selection SO much easier. Sean