Looking for a new tube preamp

Currently using a Cary AES DJH preamp with various 6SN7 tubes & NOS EZ81 rectifier. This is an excellent sounding preamp with point-to-point wiring. Looking to upgrade. Would prefer very realistic uncolored preamp, even better than what I have. What can you suggest? Running a McCormack DNA-1, driving Von Schweikert 4.5 speakers. Silver interconnects and speaker wires, multiple turntables and CD/SACD player. I've read some good things about the Shindo Aurieges. Not sure if its output impedence is a good match for the McCormack. Also thought about Modwright. Upper spending limit is under $4k new.
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. I like the idea of staying with 6SN7 tubes, as it has been difficult to find the smaller 6922/etc. tubes in NOS that are quiet to start with and stay quiet. The 6SN7 tube is just a lot better from the get go in my opinion. As a result, I will look into the DeHavilland Ultra Verve and Ultra Verve Jr. and see if I can pick up a used one. But I'm not ruling out the Shindo Aurieges.
I would not rule out the Mapletree mentioned above, do not let the $800 (with Blackgate caps)price fool you. This is a very well conceived product, and the fact that it can use 6sn7/12sn7 (same sound) allows you to get pricey RCA/Sylvanias at have the price in 12sn7 form.
Joule-Electra LA-150 Mk2. If you add another $1k then LA-150 SE. Output Impedance is about 300 Ohms in both. Read reviews, owners reviews etc.