Do Spectron Amps have faulty switching modulators?

I'm in the process of buying the new Musician 111 MK.2 ultra
with the upgrades but have been told by several Audiophiles
that their modulators are not reliable and break down suddenly. If this is true, is that a current problem or with
previous generation amps?
I would ask if anybody knows of any problems with Spectron amplifiers - instead of spreading rumors but that's just me.
Hi Joe.
Totally agree but in this case the OP's behavior is back asswards i.e. the concerns are addressed after the order is placed.

Shouldn't these questions, concerns, issues, etc. be reviewed prior to placing the order?

I'm just not a big proponent of manufacturers getting called out on what might very well be heresay. The forums are full of this nonsense and serve no purpose IMO.
I have mine for over 3 years. Always on, no problems.

Spectron had some problems with their older II's not the III's.

Anyway, their customer service is excellent!
As a former Spectron owner, I have view that even if you had an issue with an amp (and I did) Spectron were by far the best people to deal with to resolve it and I would highly recommend them as a quality and customer service oriented company.

They are well designed products and if ever there was a design issue that created a quality problem you can be absolutely sure that John Ulrich would be all over it immediately and resolve it.
Audiofeil, I had the pleasure spending an hour on the phone
yesterday, the 16th, with Simon Torcher at Spectron, who is a co-designer with John and is the Director of sales.
However, the response by some on this thread I started is
over emotional by the Spectron Police. Talk about touchy
feely! Cool your jets guys! At this point, I am convinced that the modulator issue is false, and there really is no point of anyone responding any further, unless your just out to make hay.