Recomendations Please

Hi all, my system consists of a belles hot rod 150a, a audio researcyh LS7 with NOS bugle boy tubes, vandersteen 2CE SIG II, audioquest type 8 cable (biwire). I love the sound its airy has a great sound stage but just wondering how i could get a bit more bass into the system without changing the preamp since I just got it. any suggestions??
Interesting suggestion from all. I never thought my 2ce were really bassy. I always thought they gave accurate response for whatever music that I played. I think when I have more space i will add a vandy sub. THanks for all the suggestions. Perhaps more power from the amp since I am only at 125 watts per channel. a belles 350a might do it. . but in the meantime I am working on getting a USB dac. . thinking the upcoming rega that is coming out in october.
I would think moving the speakers even slightly may increase the bass response. The 2CE is not really what I would call "bass shy" and I doubt the Belles 350 would make a huge difference. I have heard the 2 series Vandy's with 30w tube amps supply all the bass you would need for most music with exception of full orchestra
I too have never thought of the Vandersteens as being bass shy, especially at their price point. I do feel that they are very room sensitive. Adding a Vandy sub or preferably two, would be the most obvious solution to your dilemma. FWIW, it seems to me that you've put together a really nice system there. At the risk of stating the obvious, I'd suggest playing around with speaker/listener placement before doing anything else.
Guys thanks for all the advise and The complement Usound. Speaker placement could be a problem I have the speakers almost 2 feet from the wall and agree that I could tinker around but apartment living could be a cause of the issue too. maybe I am just getting used to the sound of the tube pre vs my old solid state pre. I have the speakers slightly facing inward toward the center of the listening area perhaps if i turn them so they just face forward that would be better. I would pull them a bit more from the wall but then they are a bit too far out in the living room. I think the real solution is a listening room and getting a better source to play my digital files. for the time being i just have a USB dac that is very primitive. could be a problem as well. for the time being I will try something new with the speakers and I did just get a quad set of amperex orange globe tubes in so i will see how they sound.
Try Cardas cables. Im sure they will give a better overall tonal balance and you might notice tigher more focused bass. I have a similar system and have used Audioquest and Cardas Hexlink- Cardas wins by a mile, imho.