tube watts vs transistor watts?

I have always been told your loudspeaker does not need as many tube watts as transistor watts. Why? If the loudspeaker manufacturer says it takes 200 watts for power handling how many tube watts does it take?
xti16 - as to your reference to power calculations, it makes no difference which form of the equation you use, they are synonomous. To state otherwise ignores ohms law.
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TVAD, it is :-). My speakers are spec-ed at: 4 Ohms nominal, 4 Ohms minimum. Many, if not most tube amps have 4 Ohm taps. In such a case, if one was willing to provide double the 8 Ohm tube Watts as a similarly rated 8 Ohm "double down" ss amp, all should be equal. If the speaker impedance load was 16 Ohms, the opposite would be true. Of course, I'm sure you knew that, but, it does clarify things for the OP.
If I half the voltage that would double the current to get the same watts. If a speaker works better with higher current then it would be beneficial. Not all speaker will benefit from high current though. That's what I am trying to say.
Even a solid state amp that claims 200 watts of power does not make it a certainty that if impedance drops below 4 ohms and closer to 3 will it do the job without current. High, stable current with lots of reserve at the ready. Without it watts mean little in either camp. IMHO.