Magfan, as you've frequently and correctly pointed out, phase shifts (reflecting the degree to which a speaker's impedance is capacitive or inductive at various frequencies) are a key factor in how difficult a load a speaker presents to the amplifier. Negative phase angles in particular (denoting that the load is capacitive), will increase the amount of current the amp will have to supply (i = C(dv/dt) for a capacitor), while simultaneously reducing efficiency (since capacitors (and inductors) cannot dissipate (consume) any power, apart from whatever amount of resistance may be present).
In the case of George's C1's, though, I suspect it is not too major a factor. As you can see in the Stereophile plots, the phase angle peaks and dips generally occur at points where the impedance magnitude is not particularly low, and the low points on the impedance magnitude curve generally coincide with benign phase angles.
Audioquest4life, thanks for supplying the literature on the Octave amps. I cannot understand the review in "Stereo" magazine, because it is in German, but I did read through the manuals, which I found to be well-written and confidence inspiring. They did not provide information on output impedance or damping factor, though, which is key to my previous post. One clue, though, is the statement on page 35 of the V70SE manual that "the oft-quoted damping factor is not normally a guarantee that an amplifier will exert tight control over the loudspeakers." That would seem to imply that the amp's damping factor is not particularly high, and therefore that its output impedance is not particularly low, which adds a bit of credibility to my previous post.
As far as the "black boxes" are concerned, as you realize their function is to increase the energy storage capacity of the power supply, and also to provide some additional noise filtering. That would seem to be something that can only help and can't hurt (aside from the additional cost), but without either running some careful with/without listening test comparisons, or having an intimate knowledge of the design, I don't think it's possible to say how much of a difference they would make.
Best regards,
-- Al