balanced connection, better than single ended?

If you have gear that can do balanced & unbalanced connections which is preferable and why? I have read that balanced connections are better for long runs of cable otherwise a single ended connections are fine but not sure of this since I have yet to use this sort of connection. Also I read that some gear is not truly balanced in their circuitry thus this gear may not benefit from a balanced connection. I ask only because I'm recently buying an amp that has true balanced circuitry but now must find a preamp of the same.
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I prefer balanced because of the noise rejection and the 6db increase in volume doesn't hurt either.
Coolhand, what do you mean by balanced power to your equipment?

TVAD, I don't know which sounds better since I never used balanced interconnects. I have a large bag of single ended interconnects but no balanced. Looks like I will be buying a pair soon.
Rwwear, I wonder if that increase of 6db of volume is sometimes perceived as better sound quality?
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