Plugging Amp into Power Conditioner???

I read from a manufacturer that plugging amp into power conditioner can decrease pure power from amp... is this true???
Elizabeth makes some very valid points.

I have my Emotiva UPA-7 plugged directly into my wall socket which is not on a dedicated line and whenever anyone has watched movies with me they never complained about the sound.

For my 2 channel set up I have a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe now plugged into a vintage Tice Power Block Power Line Conditioner and to me the music sounds a lot less grainy and lean. I have some improvement in the treble. It is less harsh overall.
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I have a big ass 100 watts per channel pure class A Threshold T200, plugged into my TARA Labs AD-10B Power Screen.. I find the sound to be slightly warmer, smoother, and clearer, too... controlled, but, also very slightly compressed, which I think is considered to be loss of dynamics (in the music/recording) by most audiophile's who prefer to plug their power amps directly into the wall.. But, when I plug my T200 directly into the wall, music sounds somewhat out of control and out of focus.
I would not leave my McIntosh MC352 plugged into the wall. My Chang Lightspeed HT1000 contains outlets for digital, analog, and amps and the system sounds better in all aspects rather than connecting to the wall. I have never experienced an instantaneous power deficiency. Dedicated lines still suffer from EMI/RFI.
A couple of months ago I purchased a Blue Circle BC6000 power conditioner and have found that there is more punch and authority with my Ayon Spirit 2 integrated plugged into it then my wall outlet. Don't have a dedicated line so I can not comment if that would make a comparable difference or not.