Can volume/selector pots be switched out of a pre?

I recently had my MF Nu-Vista M3 serviced, and one of the things that was done was to clean out the volume and selector pots, which were noisy. They're fine now, but it occured to me that it might have been a more reliable long-term solution to simply install new units. My amp has Alps pots, but could you use a different brand and just wire them in? I imagine you'd lose the remote control in the process, but that wouldn't be the end of the world.

It's a hypothetical question at this point as my amp is now working wonderfully, but I'd be curious to know if anyone has ever swapped out these parts.
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I also have one and my tech expert recommended often turning the selector knob back and fourth several times as a way of keeping the contacts clean.
Would suggest replacing a pot with a good attenuator, if practical. I had to do a custom DIY because of the values but that's a lot of work. Goldpoint, Marchand, and DACT have a lot more options since back then.

Nowadays, would be more inclined to use a series relay board or a chip (PGA2310) with a rotary encoder or LCD touch screen. There are kits for just about everything.