Class D vs Class A Education

Can anyone some it up in a nut shell if possible what the difference in design and output are of class D vs class A power?

Thank You!
"And we are all originally from African continent; you know that,right?"

You go Inna, but be careful for you might want to whisper that whilst traveling through certain parts of the country!
I've ventured into Class D a time or two.I appreciate the advantages associated with this energy friendly design,however,in my opinion,it's just not there yet.At least for me.
The musical presentation is not emotionally immediate or involving and I come to this conclusion not friviously but after several months of listening sessions.Perhaps Class D technology will continue to evolve and at some point I may jump in again.
Coltrane1, you are right, you are right. It could be even more interesting to say "African things" in places like, say, Paris or Berlin. But I may be wrong, I've never been to there.
@ Lacee, specifically with respect to 'synergy'. Agree that as you state 'To me, the ultimate synergy is when the whole becomes one.' which is a nice summation of complete synergy, I suppose. If I infer correctly that that statement is referring to the end listening experience, then it would have to include the room as well.

Certain simple, fundamental starting blocks for synergy: ensuring that output/input impedances match spec-wise. That your amp and speakers are well matched (ie amp not underpowered, or perhaps a low-powered amp designed for crossoverless high efficiency speakers). Maybe buying all the same brand of components. Speaking to the manufacturer of the various components in your system and garnering their opinions and others on equipment matching (hence the bajillions of 'what type of X goes best with Y?' posts).

Beyond the obvious, there are simply times when components work better with some than others. Cabling, etc is also true of this. My synergy comment was meant only as a baseline. Beyond that, IMO Class D vs A comes down to a personal thing, and in the right setup can sound fantastic.

I hope nobody out there writes off Class D as a whole based on others' blanket statements without hearing at least a few different class D amps in their own listening room.
Perhaps my interpretation of synergy is a tad harsh, but I also dislike the term neutral.

What is neutral? Todays neutral amp/cable/? is tomorrows coloured one.
Really up to one's experience and personal opinion.
At best you can only say one cable is more neutral than the other, but which cable- ie is the benchmark of neutrality to which all other cables or components can be compared to?
I hope you can try to understand what I am implying.

I think there is nothing wrong with assembling a system that works together well and plays the tunes, but even a smorgasbord type should do that.Careful matching is the best way to go, but what are we really trying to do when we strive for synergy?

We are trying to cover up one deficiency with another, and to me that's just like using different lenses in photography - distort reality but create a pleasing photo.
Much as in photo shop in digital photog.
Reality is not the issue, but "synergy" is.

Synergy to me in the worst case scenario is when you take a bass shy component , match it to fat sounding cables and run everything thru a tube buffer to smooth out all the rough spots.
In doing so, how much reality and truthfulness to the original have you destroyed?
Is a "musical" sounding system, tuned to make all recordings sound pleasant, whether they are good or bad,the pot of gold we are supposed to be chasing after?
I want my system to be able to differentiate between recordings.
The good recordings will sound great, lesser well recorded will sound as they should sound.That's reality, and if that sucks well you know the rest of the saying.

Why blend everything together in a sonic soup called synergy?

Until we can someday have a set of standards that we can make comparisons to, all we have at our disposal are the old guard terminology.