Amp Specs esp. DampFactor : Citation, Adcom, etc.

I don't know if these specs are available, above and beyond the typically published stuff, but I'm trying to make some decisions about reworking my HT (I've posted some other threads) and I'd like some specs. to help make some decisions. What I'd like to know is if there is somewhere I could find the specs for the Citation 7.1, 5.1, Adcom GFA-545s and 555s, and a few others I'll list later. Basically, I've got the Citation 7s and a 5, but I might augment this system.

I've got some specs, such as what is available in the Citation manual, but there are only a few specs there. For instance, I don't believe that Citation lists a Damping Factor for the 7.1 or 5.1 and I'd love to know this. If I can, I'd like to compile a spreadsheet that I'll share for comparison. I know that much of this may simply not be available. Do I need to compile a list of specs that I'm looking for perhaps? I'm hoping that there might be a broader specs sheet, say for dealers instead of consumers?

Thank you everyone,
Aewhistory - don't base your decisions on specifications. High DF and low THD, IMD are most likely a result of deep negative feedback that increases TIM (Transient Intermodulation) causing unpleasant bright sound. I would even suspect that sound might be inveresly proportional to spects within given price range. Nothing will replace audition with your speakers. High DF might be not optimum for some overdamped speakers. There are excellent amplifiers with DF=1 (Atmasphere).
True enough, and I do appreciate the feedback especially as it is a good point, but all of the equipment I am considering is what most would call "classic" stuff. For instance, although I've got the Citations already, if I didn't there wouldn't be any place to audition them any longer. As it is, I'm mostly sticking to equipment that either I've owned in the past (I've had an Adcom GFA-545 and -555 years ago, but never with my current speakers) or equipment people close to me have owned. Essentially, Acurus, Aragon, Hafler, etc. I figure all of these are worth considering, and then I can try to mix and match with my needs (I have a pair of Duntech PCL-3s, Allison Fours, and a 7-channel Maggie system). If my experiment fails I can always resell the equipment, but I am hoping this will help make a more informed decision. The real problem is that with this equipment, and the equipment that I'm trying to match, an audition is almost always out of the question. You see my dilemma?

However, I will need ALOT of help discerning what the specs mean, or likely mean and how they might match this equipment.

Amount of gear sold here shows that problem is common. Maybe local dealer will lend you an amp or will let you bring your speakers (my did). Going by spects (especially DF) will be fruitless IMHO. Inductor in series with the woofer limits DF to about 100 anyway.