As I understand it, our brain works more in time domain than frequency domain. We cannot hear above 20kHz but recent research shows that people can still tell the difference between 20kHz and 50kHz bandwidth listening to music. All spacial clues are also defined by transients.
A lot of this information is lost or changed in digital processing. On one hand it is almost impossible to recover 20kHz sinewave when whole period is defined by two points of 44.1kHz (AFAIK Nyquist criteria protects only frequency information) on the other digital filtering alters step response making ringing to appear after (as it should be)and BEFORE pulse itself. Our hearing is sensitive to the shape of the wavefront. Newest filtering schemes (non-apodizing filters) used, for example, in Meridian CDP have (Stereophile review) normal looking step response and better, more natural sound.
As I understand it, our brain works more in time domain than frequency domain. We cannot hear above 20kHz but recent research shows that people can still tell the difference between 20kHz and 50kHz bandwidth listening to music. All spacial clues are also defined by transients.
A lot of this information is lost or changed in digital processing. On one hand it is almost impossible to recover 20kHz sinewave when whole period is defined by two points of 44.1kHz (AFAIK Nyquist criteria protects only frequency information) on the other digital filtering alters step response making ringing to appear after (as it should be)and BEFORE pulse itself. Our hearing is sensitive to the shape of the wavefront. Newest filtering schemes (non-apodizing filters) used, for example, in Meridian CDP have (Stereophile review) normal looking step response and better, more natural sound.