Best value amplifier under or near $6K

Does anyone have some thoughts on what they consider to be the best amplifier under or near $6K? It could be an integrated amp, power amp, mono blocks, solid state or tubes.

It/they would be used to power Wilson Sophia’s or similar.

Just FYI my current amps are the
• Rotel RMB 1075 (5 channel power amp 120W per Channel into 8 ohms)
• Acoustic reality (IcePower optimized) 1001-REF mono-blocks (500W per Channel into 8 ohms)

I was able to get GM-70 monoblocks from SAC Thailand for under $6K delivered. That's 35W of SET goodness. The GM70 is my favorite high powered SET (I prefer it to 211 and 845 tubes). Other commercial GM70 amps go for $13K (Dehavilland), $20K (Shindo) and over $100K (LAMM). From a price/performance standpoint this was one of the very best audio values I have found. Build quality exceeded my expectation. I'm a very happy owner.
Amps from Classe are an excellent value and challenge the best sounding amps costing far more. Most models can be found in great used condition for well under 6K.
Thanks to everyone for the responses. There are a few brand names listed that are new to me which I will follow up on in the future. A bit ahead of time but we just upgraded our speakers to Wilson Audio Sophia 3s so it will be quite some time before the budget is back enough to pursue a new amp. I'm fairly confident (hopeful) the eAR 1001s will do a decent job with them in the interim.
I would say the Sanders Audio Magtech amp, 400 watts into 8 ohms and $5k.
Correction to previous post on the Magtech power amplifier. It is rated at 500 watts RMS into 8 ohms and 900 watts RMS into 4 ohms. IMHO, it is a KILLER amp. I have a pair of Duntech Sovereigns that I've owned for 23 years and the Magtech makes them walk and talk.