Pass Labs Amp X350.5 or X350.8 anyone compare?

I have searched for some opinions as to the sound quality comparison between the older Pass Labs X350.5 which I own and the newer X350.8.
It looks like the .8 does not operate as much in class A as the .5. But, that doesn't tell the story.
Anyone have a chance to listen to the newer X350.8? And if possible how does it compare to the X350.5?
Ha! Clearly Don_c55 didn't know anything about the actual JBL speakers that Dave_72 owns. $20,000 is not mid-fi.
Yeah, the irony of someone with a $5500 retail set derogating the terrible quality of the $20000 speakers is just awesome. So many egos in this place... gotta love it when they get squeezed a little (sorry Don).

In any case, I'd still like to hear any additional reports on the .8 series... please keep them coming.
If I can make a good deal I will buy the 350.8 in a few months. I am looking forward to own it!!