Conrad Johnson, Krell, Creek integrated amp??

I have eliminated my integrated search down to approx 3 units: Conrad Johnson CA-200; the Krell S-300i; Creek Destiny 2. The Creek and Krell are in $2500 price range. The CJ retails for about $6600. However, I am aiming or hoping to buy used. I have the Creek SE5350 Classic which is very good, but I want to make a major improvement in sound quality. Unfortunately, there are no CJ dealers in my state to audition the CA-200 I heard the Krell briefly but with no solid impression. I have read a few comments about it having some electronic problems. The Creek Destiny 2 is a strong choice, but I have not heard it and only read reviews on the original Destiny........ All advice welcomed. Thank you, Jim
But I still feel the S300i falls short of the old 400i, which is better in my opinion all the way around. It (400i) will be a bit smoother, better soundstanging and in my experience a bit more pleasant overall.

I stronly disagree. Before I got my S300i, I had a 400xi. In fact, for a period of time, I had BOTH amps at the same time.

From my experience with both, S300i is noticably smoother, more liquid sounding, has much better resolution and low level details and soundstage is much deeper.

In direct comparision 400xi sounds almost forced, but also, at the same time, hits harder and seems to have a better control over the speaker.

Both amps sound their best after beeing powered on for at least 24h.
Let me thank everyone who have responded so far, and provide more info about the room and speakers. The speakers are Acoustic Zen Adagios. The room is a dog: 14X12 with about 8 ft ceilings with one wall of windows and glass sliding door. Opposite the window wall is counter that partially opens into a small kitchen. The wall the speakers are located is not continuous but juts out to accomodate air-conditioning vents. I sit across approx 6ft from both tweeters. This wall is continuous, and will be location when I find the energy to move the 80lbs speakers. There is a flat screen TV between the speakers that is covered over with a bed comforter during listening......I play alot of classic rock, especially YES, Allman Brothers, Grateful Dead. I play it loud, but am not a headbanger and believe accurate volume control is worth its weight in gold to help pressurize a room. I have concluded that the recess in the wall of the current speaker location is creating an augmentation to the sound that creates a mildly bloated sound and somewhat lively highs.It also lessens focus and depth of soundstage.... Also, Adagios seem to shelve back the lower mids, so the sound is not forward or in fromt of the speakers.

Related to "Unsound"'s question: I am looking to achieve a more musical presentation that is described generally by Mr. Timlub: a liquid midrange that is still detailed, taut, tuneful bass and smoother highs. My Creek 5350 Classic has many virtues, but it sounds mechanical, and has somewhat spity highs, and lacks some bass control. One final point I need to change the speaker cable which is Analysis PLus Oval 12---good cable, but not up to capabilites of the Adagios. I am favoring Acoustic Zen Hologram II. I am also changing the stock PC of the Rega Apollo with AZ's Tsumani Plus which should provide some improvement to the sound.
Sunnyjim, please take this with a grain of salt as I haven't heard your speakers. Though they do look worthy of an audition. My list is getting longer:-).
I know you were looking for advice on an integrated amp, but please forgive me if I veer in another direction. Have you considered separates. The sound quest you've described leads me to believe that you might really like the McCormack DNA-1 power amp. You could even use it with a passive pre, sort of a two box integrated.
To Unsound: Yes, I have considered separates, but reluctantly, because I downsized from them about 5 years ago so as to have less boxes and cables. My only thoughts have been an older Conrad Johnson pre-amp which would be modded by RHB Sound Design. Their mods don't come cheap. I previously owned a CJ PV-8 tube pre-amp which was modded by the owner of RHB about 15 years ago. Even if I could buy a PV-10, or PV-12 with phono stage, I would be looking at about $1500 to $1700, and I would still need an amp. I know little about McCormack products despite having seen several reviews over the years. I think the Creek SE5350 has a pre-out, though it might be just for subwoofer. I am sure the McCormack would make a difference in the sound, but the question is how good is the pre-amp section of the Creek integrated. Though, what you propose might be worth a try, if I can find a deal on a used Mack' DNA-1 amp. I could always sell the Creek and buy a pre-amp if I still was not satisfied with the sound. I realize there is tons of separates out there, but the question is which ones and how much, and will the price justify the improvement over a more expensive integrated. I have read and been told that Exposure 2010S is a very musical IA. Thanks for the suggestion