Aesthetix Calypso vs. ?

I have this on loan from my dealer, and am wondering what other preamps I should try within this price range.

I think the Calypso betters my BAT 3iX, without the 3iX's somewhat closed in on top and darkish midrange.

The 3iX does seem to win in the midbass, and I still very much like the its overal soundstage presentation. I'm wondering if I should try some tuberolling with the 3iX before I give up on it. I just have the standard Electro-Harmonix 6922s in it right now.

(I tried some Tung Sol 12AX7s I had in the closet in the Calypso. Lovelier midrange and deeper soundstage than the Sovteks, but too much hiss).
I think it's just a very old unit. If I go with the Calypso, I'll probably get new unit.
The new Calypso will come with the lower gain and sounds great with the Vandy quatros in a balanced system
Later look at the matching Aesthetix Atlas amp
or a pair of Balanced Quicksilver V4s
Cheers Johnnyr
"Primaluna Dialogue 3 would "smoke" the BAT ... (he doesn't think the dark character can be changed much.)

My BAT preamp is very, very dark. But this can be changed. They make a version in silver as well.

Personally, I would be concerned about the Primaluna or any preamp if it smokes. That probably indicates a need for service.

Seriously, which BAT do you have? I have to say that I still prefer the 3iX's big soundstage presentation. I may just stand pat.

If you need the info on changing the jumpers to lower the gain, I have in in pdf and can email to you.

Good luck,