Rogue Audio 99 or CJ Classic Preamp?

I'd like to upgrade my Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum integrated amp to a separate preamp and amp combo. I know I want the RA M-180 monoblocks, but I'm still undecided as far as the preamp is concerned. It's a trade-in with my dealer who carries RA, CJ and BAT. He recommends the RA Stereo 99 line stage (I already have a separate phono preamp), but the CJ Classic is about $600 less expensive so I'd like to get your opinions on the choice. The Rogue has no doubt an edge over the Classic in many aspects: remote volume control, adjustable gain settings, mono switch, and separate power supply. The Classic, however, has pretty good reviews and I've always wanted to own a CJ.
In the alternative, I'd also consider another brand/tubed preamp in the $2,000 range. The rest of my system: VPI Classic, Lyra Delos cart, Camelot Technologies Lancelot phono preamp, Silverline Audio SR-17.5 speakers. I'd appreciate your opinions and suggestions.
How do you like the synergy between your Cronus and your Silverline speakers ? Do they work well together ? If you're happy with the music now, what are you looking for by upgrading to a new amp/pre-amp combination ?
Thank you Sam and Adam. The Cronus is a great integrated amp, and works very well with the SR-17.5s. When I bought the speakers, the impedance on the amp was set to 4 Ohms to work with the old speakers. The Silverlines have a nominal impedance of 8 Ohms, but it's an absolute nightmare to switch impedance on the amp as it has to be done internally, and there is virtually no clearance between the back wall and the screws. So I've kept the impedance setting unchanged, but wonder if it might sound even better on the 8 Ohm setting. The upgrade is dictated by a few factors: the Cronus was purchased as a temporary amp until I could upgrade to separates; I'm hoping for even more refinement, greater dynamics and better control of the bottom end, which I expect with more power and a separate preamp; I'd like to have ease of adjusting impedance which the monoblocks offer. Another big factor is my dealer's trade-in system where you can trade-in equipment for full purchase value within a year. I'm slowly coming up on that year, and it would make it much harder for me to upgrade later.
Sounds like a great idea, and taking advantage of your dealer's trade-in program makes a lot of sense. I am a big Rogue Audio fan, and I'm sure the M-180 amps will sound terrific with your speakers. I like the idea of keeping amplification within the same brand, since the designers have intended those products to work well together. I'm sure that Mark O'Brien has created some good synergy between the M-180's and the Stereo 99. Good Luck, and Happy Listening.
I can't comment about the Conrad-Johnson as I have no experience with them, but I am very happy with my M-180 amp / 99-Magnum preamp combination.
Reynolds, I wasn't aware of the Magnum version of the 99 preamp. Is it an upgrade from an earlier version? Either way, it sounds like CJ is out.
Anyone own the Supratek Chardonnay? The price is compatible and it has amazing reviews, but buying directly from Australia is a concern for me.