Would you pay to listen?

Just curious, would you pay to listen to a
$100k system? Say a one hour session for twenty bucks?

Assuming the room is great and you have vinyl and cd and your choice of solid state or tubes. Also assuming you'd have the best matched system that $100k could buy.

How much would you pay to hear a $200k system? No pressure or expectation to buy anything, just plunk down your twenty and enjoy the music. BYO drinks of course.

I'm sure I'd pay if there were such a place.
Not even if there were dancing girls and performing chimps on unicycles juggling flaming swords! Maybe if Natalie Portman was the host.
Danger here. While twenty bucks is nothing for one with a passion for audio, it will lead to many, many more expensive purchases, all because you will never be happy with any but that type of system.
I already pay every time I see a movie. The audio system in a typical movie theater costs well above $200K. The only thing missing being able to bring my own material. However, I do get a limited selection at the ticket office.
Why pay when some systems can be assembled for 25K that would sound better anyway.