ARC VSi60 vs Ayon Spirit II/III

My experiment is over, and I officially miss the valve (no offense to friends of Solid State. Most of the rest of my world is SS).

Currently have a Krell S-300i, and am looking to move into a Tube Integrated. Used to have a McCormack DNA-50 & ARC SP9 MKII, then decided to save space, and moved to an SS integrated. Space saving remains in play. No capital outlay until January, but am doing the research now, and am soliciting opinions here, at the "Oracle".

And so the quandary: ARC VSi60 vs Ayon Spirit II/III.
A show of hands...please.
Here's my rig:

As always, any and all opinions/suggestions/rants are appreciated.

I'm late to the party, here, but I'm very interested in the Spirit III and other Ayon amps. I think it's important to note that a big feature of the III is that it comes with Shuguang Black Treasure KT88s. I'm led to believe by a few references that the Black Treasures are a big step up. On the importer website,, Grade A Black Treasure KT88s are listed at $480 per quad set! I believe there are other upgrades in the Spirit III, as well. If in doubt, call the U.S. distributor, !! Nothing like first-hand information. The III also can use KT120s...don't know anything about them. I presently use an Art Audio Diavolo SET with 842VHD output tubes, a superb amp.
Hi Folks,

Quick unproductive update. I was traveling on 09 March, and completely missed the Spirit II that sold. I imagine it was gobbled up rather quickly. For reference purposes, did anyone catch what price it sold for?

In looking for ways to avoid missing future opportunities, does anyone know if A'gon has a facility that sends alerts to members (i.e. an email or text alert, when an Ayon amp is posted)?

As always, many thanks.
I just swapped in a quad of Black Treasure KT88s into my Spirit 2 (prior Gold Lion Reissues) - 1st impressions, the Treasures are a musical step up , more detail and resolution to my ears
Just as a matter of interest, Ayon seem to positively discourage tube rolling in their user manuals, I have the Spark. This may be connected to there making the tubes themselves. I wonder, in reality, what possible drawback there could be, in trying upgraded tubes. I have never seen it so discouraged by other manufacturers.
I have experienced none whatsoever with my Spirit. Mine was originally tubed by USA Tube Audio with a choice of Gold Lion Reissue KT88s or what it was shipped with;I choose the GLs . The original signal tubes I think were EH current issue; some time afterwards I swapped in RCA'a after speaking with Paul at USA Tube Audio.I have since swapped out the 2 front signal tubes with CIFTE Mazda's, and this week swapped in Black Treasure KT88s - only thing that has happened is a more musical presentation. I once a month check the KT88 bias,but the amp runs fine.