Wyred4sound STI - 500 for Magnepan speakers

Has anyone heard the Wyred4sound STI - 500 used with Magnepan speakers?

I have listened to a Krell s300i with Maggie 1.2's and thought that the 300 wpc into 4 ohms was a big improvement over my Macintosh MA 6300 at 160 wpc into 4 ohms.

However, the Krell is $2500 and the STI - 500 would be "only" $1995 but with 500 wpc into 4 ohms.

It seems people either like class D or they don't and I was wondering what drives them to which camp.
I have the W4S ST-500 power amp and the W4S STP-SE preamp, driving Magnepan 1.7s. I am extremely pleased with the match.
- calabashak: what did you compare this setup to? what does it do particularly well?

- magfan: if I follow you correctly, you're letting a bit of air out of claims about ice power; but what's relevant is damping and control of the big mag panels, right?

are you also arguing, though, that switching from one class D amp to another isn't going to make a big difference?

ICE modules have more in common than differences. Just my opinion. I just think that if you stay in the ICE family from B&O, and specifically the ASP modules, you won't get huge amounts of variation. :: I am ignoring the preamp at this point.......

Hypex? International Rectifier? Spectron? others? All may have a 'house sound'......never heard any of 'em but DO have an International Rectifier stereo module out in the garage awaiting a power supply......(threatening gesture at garage)

If I were a wealthy experimenter, I'd give the Spectron a try.
Than a Pass amp... Maybe the INT-150 since I rarely even touch my 500x2 of the PS.

I'm not a big 'damping' guy, either, I'm afraid. All Magnepans below the 20.1 are single sided and depend a lot on the characteristics of the air / mylar interface to dampen them.(apparently a big impedance mis-match) Also, the edge vibes trying to 'escape' out the edges are treated to a frame made of MDF..... Those who reframe with WOOD report spectacular results. Also, the 1.6 has mild phase angles and a pretty benign impedance curve. Not really a bad load, at all. Some people run them on ridiculously low amounts of power.....I'd have to hear it, myself.
well, I plumped for the sti-1000 at long last, and it arrived yesterday - the 500 is backordered and I figured the kilowatt would be sure to be different from the bel canto this integrated replaced.

at low levels, it's resolving, analytical on my magnepans. I heard things I haven't heard this way, not even on headphones. I have not yet added a sub in, just trying to see how the ribbons respond to the w4s control.

playing loud is truly a pleasure, this is where the freshly built w4s sounds a lot better than my 3yr old bel canto did - more headroom, more dynamics, and a sweeter midrange.

posters here and elsewhere on the interwebs assert or allege that ICE modules will differ subtly - and that's true, the switch from BC to W4S is not a co
Calabashack & others,

Good friend has made the decision to purchase & is currently on the wait list for 1.7's. He will also be upgrading amps & preamps & Wyred4Sound products are at the top of his prospects list.

Considerations:1) Despite being an all out tech nerd he wants to maintain the ability to spin vinyl so he will require a phono preamp. Recs or suggestions appreciated!
2) wants the highest quality within reason playback from all apple sources(ipad/ipod/laptop)