Upgrade Amp or Speaker for 2 channel?

Noob here.BUT a dedicated 2 channel enthusiast for over 30 years.

Have not upgraded my system for over about 8 years.Need advice on which component would give me the best "improvement".

My system: Anthem TLP-1 ,Anthem PVA-2,Paradigm Studio Reference 100 V3,Denon D/A 500 dac,Arcam CD 73,Sony ES 5 disc cd player.

Used in a medium to large living room.Open concept modern house with high ceiling,wall to wall carpets.

Would appreciate advice!

My dealer wants me to trade the same model(studio 100s)Paradigms for version 5.He would give me $800 trade value for my 10 year old speakers in mint shape towards the recent version which now sells for $3K USD.

Or,should I upgrade the amp?

Thanks in advance!

I have 12 year old int. amp, CDP, and speakers. The front end was upgraded ( iTunes, MacBook, asynchronous DAC ) and what an improvement. Didn't know my cd's had that much music on them. After what I've experienced, I'd start at the front end. Good luck with whatever decision you make.
I vote with the folks encouraging you to consider upgrading your front end. The Paradigm 100s you have are very nice speakers for the size room you describe, and are worth way more than your dealer is offering in trade. And your amp, at 120 watts per channel, should be a good match with the speakers. So I'd look instead at a first- rate cd player.
i agree that the cd player is a real important element to making your system sound better.