Best Speaker for Ongaku

Finally purchased my dream amp, a Kondo Ongaku.
Looking for a suitable efficient speaker match for a
small-medium size room.

Some speakers I'm currently considering include ANJ's, smaller Proacs
etc. Can't use horns or large box speakers due to size limitations.
When you decided to buy this incredible special amplifier which speakers were used to audition it. If you bought it based on reviews, then which speakers did the reviewers use. Indeed you could simply search the many reviews for examples of excellent synergy with this amp.
Doesn't Audio Note make speakers too? (I thought Kondo was the new name for AN Japan?)
I would talk to Neli at Audio Federation. They have an Ongaku and will have experimented with many different combinations. However I don't think you could go wrong with Audio Note speakers as long as you have symmetrical corners in your room. They were made to go together.