Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

I am currently using the sophia electric royal princess.
I have not heard another ,are they the best or is emission labs better for example ???
i do like the sound , very transparent and good overal dynamics / bass
I reread the thread, interesting , probably tatasuki but the SRP seems to be not much behind
This thread become sleepy, so , I thought, maby there are some news/impressions out there...

Has anyone found a source for the Takatsuki TA-300b ? Amtrans can no longer export them to the US.