Downsizing from Ayre MX-R monoblocks

I am looking to downsize from my previous amps, the wonderful Ayre MX-R monoblocks to an integrated amp. I want something that has the same quality and sound as the Ayre. I know the Ax-7e is an option but to be totally honest, I am not too keen on its looks. In terms of price, I would like to stay at $5K or less used. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I think ( Driver ) pretty much said what I was thinking . There is no easy way out of owning a big rig , if there was we would all own smaller systems . I have heard few amps at any price that would be as good as Ayres MXRs or KXR . But good luck , and let us know how you make out .
What speakers are you driving, and what is it about the sound of the Ayre are you most looking to retain? Have you ruled out tubes (for example ARC) or class D, or class A for that matter? My personal suspicion is that you're not going to duplicate the sound of the big Ayres especially in a different brand, but you might find happiness in a completely different direction.

I agree with Auxetophone, more information would be very helpful. What speakers do you plan to use? There is a used Ayre stereo amp in the shop here and we listened to it some with several tube preamps and one solid state. My recollection was that the amp had some warmth to it. We thought it sounded nice (the shop here is very predominantly a tube and vinyl clan).

I suspect that your best chance of achieving the sound you want (I'm recalling the warmth of that Ayre stereop amp)with an integrated in the price range in which you are looking is going to be with tubes. As mentioned in an earlier post, the ARC should be on your list, but I would add a Rogue Tempest III (they're about $3000 new). Last year I moved from solid state to tubes (Rogue M-180 monoblocks) and they met my criteria for low end control, but with the mids and highs of tubes that I have come to prefer. I also did some tube rolling to dial in the sound to my satisfaction.

To help narrow this down, though, are you considering tubes are looking to stay solid state? And what speakers are you going to drive?
I've seen a Clayton M200, a 200 watt/channel Class A solid state amp on audiogon at $4,700. This is a great deal for a hellaciously great amp. It is easily the best amp at that price and the sound is grit and grain free.

My second choice would be a McCormack DNA-500, which is a very liquid sounding solid state amp. It is also very powerful, but it is very nimble even at low volume.

In third place would be a Modwright KWA150. It is also an excellent powerful amp.
Thank you for the great responses everyone. I apologize for not being more specific. Unfortunately my previous rig was completely sold off (look up Beauty and the Beast)when we did a major home remodel last year. I am now ready to jump back into this whacky hobby but with the intent of putting together a much smaller, simpler (i.e. cheaper) system. I plan to run some Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors for now and probably upgrade to the Mementos shortly. I listen to a lot of female vocals and small ensemble chamber music so I love the warmth and beauty of the SF speakers. That being said, what I liked most about the Ayre MX-Rs was their clarity and speed. It just felt like the Ayre was so transparent and effortlessly handled anything I gave it. If it helps describe the kind of sound I prefer, I also owned the Esoteric transport and dac.

I open to any kind of amp though I do want to stay away from tubes. I am just too lazy to deal with it.

Thanks again for the input!